15 Facts Of Tyrannosaurus Rex The King Of Dinosaur


DECEMBER 1, 2022

15 Facts Of Tyrannosaurus Rex, The King Of Dinosaur

15 facts of tyrannosaurus rex the king of dinosaur

15 Facts Of Tyrannosaurus Rex, The King Of Dinosaur

1. The name Tyrannosaurus is from Greek language meaning Tyrant Lizard.

2. T-Rex was one of the biggest carnivores ever lived on Earth with the largest tooth found by 12 inches (30 cm) long.

3. T-Rex could sprint up to 20 mph (32 kph) and a walking speed between 4 to 6 miles per hour, their length was up to 12 meters (40 feet).

4. Although there is no sufficient data, scientists predict that a T-Rex could eat food with estimated around 40.000 calories per day.

5. Tyrannosaurus is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur. They lived on an island continent known as Laramidia or what is now known as the western North America.

6. In average, one adult T-Rex could had a life span of around 28 to 30 years of age.

7. An adult T-Rex had the estimated bite force of about 35.000 Newtons, compared that to biting power of humans which is around 300 Newtons. The bite force was the strongest of any dinosaurs and living terrestrial animal.

8. Their arms were too short to reach its mouth.

9. T-Rex was a fierce carnivore and ate herbivorous dinosaurs like triceratops and edmontosaurus. The powerful beast could eat up to 500 pounds of meat in just one bite in estimation.

10. This 40 foot carnivorous dinosaur was a cannibal. They craved meat so much that they could eat other T-Rex according to a new research.

11. An adult Tyrannosaurus could gained weight of more than 10.000 pounds and reached sexual maturity around 20 years of age.

12. T-Rex walked on two legs and using its slim, pointed tail to provide balance and quick turning while running. However it’s doubtful that a big animal like this could jump, just like today’s large animals that generally don’t jump.

13. According to a new study, T-Rex was a warm blooded animal moving around their territory. This costs a lot of energy and the beast has to feed more regularly.

14. T-Rex natural enemies were other carnivorous dinosaurs, and some herbivorous ones like Ankylosaurus. It had a powerful tail club that could be swung to shatter bone with powerful force.

15. Barnum Brown, a famous fossil hunter, discovered the first skeleton of Tyrannosaurus in 1902 in Hell Creek, Montana. Then six years later he discovered a nearly complete T-Rex fossil at Big Dry Creek, Montana.

15 facts of tyrannosaurus rex the king of dinosaur

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