16 Mount Fuji Facts : Learn Them Before You Visit


FEBRUARY 12, 2022

16 Mount Fuji Facts : Learn Them Before You Visit

16 Mount Fuji Facts : Learn Them Before You Visit

These are the 16 Mount Fuji facts : learn them before you visit the highest peak in Japan for amazingly beautiful scenery.

  1. Mount Fuji is an active volcano which commonly called “Fuji-san” located about 100 km southwest of Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Mount Fuji is also the highest peak in Japan which is 3,776 m above sea level.
  3. This snow-covered mountain is considered sacred in both Buddhism and Shintoism. It has been revered as the home of the god of fire, the Shinto goddess and Dainichi Nyorai, the Great Sun Buddha.
  4. There are 112 volcanoes in Japan which is common for a country located in the Pacific Ring of Fire system.
  5. As an active volcano Mount Fuji has erupted several times in the past. The first recorded eruption of Mount Fuji occurred on July 31, 781 BC. The last eruption was in 1707 and lasted for 16 days with the volcano ashes reached Tokyo.
  6. Climbing Mount Fuji can only be done from early July to early September. Otherwise, the route will be closed because it is dangerous.
  7. According to a legend, one famous monk, Hasegawa Kokugyo climbed to the peak of the mountain for more than 100 times. His achievements followed by the foundation of Fuji-ko cult, the worshippers of Mount Fuji.
  8. Mount Fuji has also been registered as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2013 due to its beautiful scenery and ample historical background, a symbol of Japan.
  9. The benefits of Mount Fuji for the Japanese people is that the mountain is one of the famous tourist spots in Japan that will attract many tourists to come.
  10. There are three cities that surround Mount Fuji, they are : Fuji-Yoshida (in the north), Fujinomiya (in the southwest) and Gotemba (in the east).
  11. There are also five lakes in the surrounding, namely Lake Kawaguchi, Lake Sai, Lake Shoji, Lake Yamanaka and Lake Motosu.
  12. Winter season in Mount Fuji starts from around January to March. The temperature ranges from 0~10 Celsius.
  13. The best spot to see Mount Fuji is from the Enoshima island. The view of Mount Fuji that changes every day is a unique sight on Enoshima island.
  14. Mount Fuji was last erupted more than 300 years ago. However, the mountain is still active today and produces several hundred vibrations a month when ongoing.
  15. Most popular track for climbing is the Yoshida Track. This track has the most number of mountain huts and facilities. Allow six hours for the ascent, and a little over three hours for the descent on a different route. The track is usually used to watch the beautiful sunrise at the top.
  16. The forming process of Mount Fuji took a period of about 80,000 years when a volcano as high as about 3,000 meters became known as Ko-Fuji. Then about 17,000 years ago, a large lava flow completely covered it and gradually formed Shin-Fuji or New Fuji.

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