All About Raja Ampat


JULY 19, 2021

all about raja ampat, indonesia's richest National marine park

raja ampat

If you want to know all about Raja Ampat then you have found the right article here.

Raja Ampat is one of the world’s last wild places where you can find a vast sprawl of tropical island jewels renowned as being the richest on our planet.

An ideal site of nursery and refuge for coral and rare fish species that are disappearing elsewhere in the region and surely the perfect place to get away from daily routines.

Located in Indonesia’s West Papua province, at the northwest tip of New Guinea, Raja Ampat is an archipelago comprising of around 1,500 small islands that surround the four major islands of the area: Misool, Batanta, Salawati and Waigeo.

With their breath-taking scenery of jungle-covered islands, white-sand beaches, exotic lagoons and crystal clear blue waters, Raja Ampat is without any doubt one of the most beautiful island chains in the world.

Due to its quantity and variety of marine life here, scientists describe Raja Ampat as a biological hot spot as well as the reef that is a part of reefs system throughout the South Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Translates literally as ‘the Four Kings’, referring to the four major islands, Raja Ampat has one of the greatest and healthiest coral reef and marine collection in the world with up to 1,200 species of fish and 550 species of coral.

Part of the “Coral Triangle”, around 70% of the world’s coral species is said to be found in the rich underwater world of Raja Ampat while new species are discovered regularly in these waters

raja ampat

Raja Ampat extends over 40,000km2 of land and sea and is home to Indonesia’s largest marine national park.

The first scientific survey conducted in 2001 found almost 1,000 fish species. Further comprehensive study concluded that many of them were new to science.

The diversity of marine life here is believed to be the highest recorded in the world, making for some truly spectacular snorkeling and diving experience. The hard coral species in the marine park is more than ten times the number found in the Caribbean,

According to WWF website, some of the Raja Ampat biodiversity are :

  • Around 1,300 species of coral reef fish
  • Five species of rare and endangered sea turtles including the hawksbill sea turtle
  • 600 species of hard coral within the Bird’s Head Seascape, that is 75% of the total for the entire world
  • 13 marine mammal species
  • 700 species of mollusk
  • 57 species of mantis shrimp within the Bird’s Head Seascape

The Raja Ampat marine protected area is most easily reached via a flight to Sorong from Jakarta, Bali (Denpasar) or Singapore.

From Jakarta and Bali, the following airlines offer daily flights to Sorong: Merpati, Express Air, Batavia Air, Lion Air

From Singapore, traveling divers will need to connect to Manado via SilkAir. From Manado, you can reach Sorong using Lion Air and Merpati airlines.

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