Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Declassifies Documents On UFOs

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Declassifies Documents On UFOs


JANUARY 16, 2021

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Declassifies Documents On UFOs

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Declassifies Documents On UFOs

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Declassifies Documents On UFOs –
If you are a big fan of 1990’s TV series The X-Files or Sci-Fi movies, this particular news will thrill you

The topic about UFO and Aliens sightings is one of the most interesting topics to discuss. It is questioning our existence in Universe, are we really alone in this world ? Many people believe that aliens really exist and many people believe that aliens do not exist. There are reports from some people that they have been abducted by those visitors. Treated like some kind of experiment objects, just the way we do to mice in labs. 

But interestingly, many signs do point to the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. For extraterrestrial life believers many examples of Aliens and UFO sightings support that theory, such as wreckage of unknown material not found on Earth, recorded sightings in the sky like strange light or weird shape flying objects floating around at night.

UFO phenomenons started to sparkle in United States when a mysterious object crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in July, 1947. From that moment, the hunt for aliens across America was initiated. For many conspiracy theorists today, the Roswell incident is considered as one of the most conspicuous pieces of evidence that the US government has covered up the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth for decades. So far California has the highest number of UFO sightings compared to other states, with 11.202 reports.

Unofficial data supplied by the National UFO Reporting Center in America suggest that since the 1970’s UFO sightings have been slowly increasing in the US alone, and it growing rapidly since the early 1990’s. This could be that this reporting center became both better known by public and easier to reach using the inventions of new technologies such as fax, internet and mobile phones devices. The Economist analysed the available data in 2014, gathered it from the year 2000 to 2014 and found that most UFOs sightings were reported when people were drunk

Recently United States top intelligence institution, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), released nearly 3,000 pages of documents about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). That is the government’s official term for what are commonly called UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). This comes just months before the US intelligence agencies are to appear before Congress and reveal information about the UFOs.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Declassifies Documents On UFOs

The files are now available online via download at the Black Vault and you can find the documents on a privately run archive of declassified documents from The Black Vault website. There are more than three decades worth of US government UFO records. Some documents on the website also cover unexplained events such as mysterious Siberia explosion in Russia.

John Greenwald Jr, the Black Vault founder, spent two decades suing the CIA to release the records then he scanned the pages one by one. The documents were obtained through many requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Black Vault spent years fighting for them and many were released in the late 1990’s. At first, CIA would only release about 1.000 pages documents that had been previously disclosed in the 1980’s after a FOIA court case. They never intended to release the records that were dated in the years after the case.

Some citations from Black Vault website :

“The links below offer two downloads. The contents of the original CD-ROM, as received, which is the multi-page .tif files (not searchable) with corresponding text files which are largely useless.

The second link is the converted records, wherein The Black Vault converted each .tif file to .pdf, and made it searchable. This is, by far, the more popular way of downloading and searching, but both are available for download.

 Original CIA UFO Collection CD-ROM Contents [149MB] – This is the entire collection, zipped up, with zero processing. This is in its original form.

 CIA UFO Collection CD-ROM Contents – Searchable .pdf Conversions – [342MB] – This .zip file contains all of the above files, however, they have been converted to searchable .pdf documents. Keep in mind, searchable .pdfs are NOT perfect. Many of these documents are poorly photocopied, so the computer can only “see” so much to convert for searching. However, through various tests, the search capability is MUCH better than the above CD contents with only .txt outputs.”

For more information about that little green man you can visit the Black Vault website and download the complete documents from their database.

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