The Masterpiece Design Of Eiffel Tower

The Masterpiece Design Of Eiffel Tower


AUGUST 15, 2021

The Masterpiece Design Of Eiffel Tower

The Masterpiece Design Of Eiffel Tower

The masterpiece design of Eiffel Tower has been worldly known for more than a hundred years. Eiffel tower was erected in about two years, two months and five days (1887-1889) with the first digging started on the January 28, 1887.

On March 31st 1889, the tower had been finished in and opened to public on May 15, 1889. It is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France.

Civil engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel applied his advanced knowledge of the behavior of metal arch and metal truss forms under loading using 7.500 tons of iron and 2.5 million rivets.

The result is a light, airy yet strong structure construction of a metal tower. Not just as a Parisian landmark but also a technological masterpiece in building-construction, a revolution in civil engineering and architectural design.

The tower is 300 meters (984 feet) high with additional of a television antenna atop of it that makes a total elevation of 324 metres (1.063 feet). About the same of 81 storey building. The base where the tower rests is 5 metres (17 feet) high. Every seven years around 60 tons of paint are applied to the tower to protect the iron from rusting and keep the Iron Lady (La dame de fer) beautiful.

Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguier, two senior engineers working for the Eiffel’s company, Compagnie des Établissements Eiffel, did the initial design of the tower. They asked Stephen Sauvestre, the head of company’s architectural department, to contribute to the design. Sauvestre then added decorative arches to the base of the tower and a glass pavilion to the first level.

Eventually, Eiffel bought the rights to the patent on the design of Koechlin, Nougier and Sauvestre and the design was exhibited at the Exhibition of Decorative Arts in 1884 under the company name.

A note to take, on another project before the Eiffel Tower was built, Eiffel’s firm was asked to design the Statue of Liberty, a task assigned to his trusted employee, who else, Maurice Koechlin.

The Masterpiece Design Of Eiffel Tower

Before the Chrysler Building was built in New York City in 1929, it was the tallest structure in the world. The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second levels. The inspiration for a tower came from the Latting Observatory built in New York City in 1853 with Eiffel himself openly admitted.

It all started when the French Government was organizing the International Exposition of 1889, celebrating the French Revolution centenary, and held a competition to build a monument. With more than 100 designs submitted, the committee picked up one distinguish design from bridge engineer Gustave Eiffel.

Some France leading artists and intellectuals initially criticised for its design, yet it is now a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognisable landmarks in the world.

The Eiffel Tower – or as the French call it, La Tour Eiffel – is the most-visited paid monument in the world with almost 7 million visitors annually. Since its opening in 1889, the tower has welcomed over 300 million people worldwide. In the pop culture scene, many movies, books and merchandise have been produced based on this famous structure.

It was initially a temporary construction that was meant to stay for twenty years only. But its revolutionary architectural style along with the use of telecommunication antenna at the top of it changed its fate. Not to mention the value of the overwhelming tourist attraction from the structure. The masterpiece design of Eiffel Tower is too precious to be swept away from human civilization history.

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