The World’s 3rd Oldest Zoo : The Ragunan Zoo


MAY 6, 2021

the world's 3rd oldest zoo : The ragunan zoo

The Ragunan Zoo or “Kebun Binatang Ragunan” in Indonesian was founded in 1864. It was first located in the Cikini area of Central Jakarta.

The 10 hectares (25 acres) land was a donation from Raden Saleh, famous Indonesian painter, and it was the first Batavia zoo. The zoo is 157 years old now and it is the third oldest zoo in the world.

The Vereneging Planten en Dierentuin or Dutch East Indies flora and fauna lovers organization, established the Ragunan Zoo on September 19, 1864 during the Dutch colonialization in Indonesia. It was called “Planten en Dierentuin” meaning “Plants and Zoos” in English and located in Cikini Raya street no. 73. The name was then changed to Cikini zoo in 1949 after the independence of Indonesia. It is the oldest zoo in Indonesia today.

When the zoo became too small, it is moved to its present location at Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta in 1966. The Jakarta city administration officially opened the zoo on June 22, 1966 and managed it. The former location was turned into the Taman Ismail Marzuki, an art and cultural park.

Currently Ragunan zoo is a 140 hectare (350 acre) zoo and a home for over 297 species of animals, 176 species of flora and 3.140 animal specimens and more than 50.000 trees. It has an aviary and included a primate center with over 450 employees running the park.

Ragunan zoo is a combination between zoo and park, so it is also known as Ragunan Zoological Park. A recreation park which has important roles in animal conservation programs and a great place for educational and research projects.

The primate center inside the Ragunan zoo is called Schmutzer Primate Center. Named after the late Pauline Antoinette Schmutzer, the facility is a 13 hectares park located in the heart of the zoo. It was opened in 2002 and the home for famous big apes, Orang Utans and Gorilla as well as various species of monkeys. Orang Utan is one of the endangered animals and a unique species from Indonesia.

You can also find the Komodo Dragons (giant lizard) and the endangered Sumatran Tiger here and animals from other continents as far as Africa, Arabia and North America. There are sections for reptiles, mammals and birds inside the zoo.

The address of current Ragunan Zoo is at Harsono RM street, Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. The best time to visit this zoo is in the morning or afternoon time when the sun is already not too hot. It opens daily at 7.30 AM. 

Avoid coming to this park during Indonesian public holidays as the number of visitors is so big. And never forget to apply strict health protocols during this pandemic era.

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